Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The magic : story 3

From @RBTrary: 

Morning’s incident flashed before his eyes- He was lying there in a helpless condition, unable to move. Head was spinning and the pain was unbearable. Suddenly, his butler entered with the ‘magical fluid’. Miracle happened. Hangover lost the battle to a-cup-of-COFFEE. Scenes disappeared with the sound of ice-clinking-against-the-glass. “Cheers!” he said, and gulped another one.

The magic : story 2

From @roshd: 

It wasn’t a good morning. Too much pending work in the office today. Feeling low. Need help. I kiss my sleeping 8year old giant baby Rylan and whisper, “Dad needs some magic now”. He wakes up, gives me his toothy grin and hugs me tight. I am ready for anything life can throw at me

The magic : story 1

From @TheOtherBanana: 

Writing was the only way she could escape her reality. Her psychiatrist called it therapy. She didn’t care what it was called. She had the ability to spin dreams, weave words into textures as smooth as spun silk and as luscious as the finest Egyptian cotton. They were her companion and every word; a spell.

The alcohal : story 3

From @whimsytales: 

They seldom talked. You look beautiful today, her husband said one night. I'm sorry we've been fighting, he said. I am equally at mistake, he said. You are the most important person in my life, he said. I just cannot do without you, he said. That night, alcohol broke the silence and saved their marriage. 

The alcohal : story 2

From @lady_shweta:

 Love can make you do crazy things. She kissed her best friend Lolita, she crashed the car into a wall while trying to dance in it, she bought a expensive scarf for her dog. It was then she realized, she was not in love, someone had mixed alcohol in her coffee.

The alcohal : Story 1

From @woohoochild: 

For all practical purposes, he was dead to the world. He had been charged of being a rapist and stalker. But it was drunk, senseless love that had made him this way. The next step was to end it all. He decided to live till the alcohol flowed. The empty bottle lay by his side

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blood : Sroty 3

From @Bedardi_baalam: 

She was very happy. She was topper of the class 12th. She wants to be a doctor so her father sent her to Delhi for medical entrance exam preparation. That smile on her father’s face went away when he heard the news that She cuts her wrist. Blood on the floor and postmortem report confirm that She was being Raped.

Blood : Story 2

From @bhytu: 

Her husband lay dead in the couch. The murderer had brutally butchered the face.  There was blood splattered here and there. Suddenly she heard footsteps. She saw her five year old child approaching her with a knife in his hand.

He sat on her lap and whispered, " Why so serious Mommy?"

Blood : Story 1

From @hankypanty: 

She went to donate blood but, the vampires were on strike. She asked Vicky Donor to help but, alas, his donations ruined her. ;)

The Gravity : Story 3

From @VishalShriyan: 

He remembered the games he used to play at breakfast. Apple slice boats carrying grape soldiers towards each other, running aground on cornflake corals in a sea of milk. Such fun! Couldn't Newton have thought of something useful like that? Instead he found some stupid law and guess who was writing an exam on gravity! <

The Gravity - Story 2

From @BongBuffoon: 

Gravity was not the fat soldier's best friend. As he placed his rear end on a rock, one of the most dreaded men in the Valley, self-styled Commander Hafeez Hideous was crouched behind that very boulder. As luck would have it, the chubby soldier slipped, and his copious posterior was recommended for a gallantry award. 

The Gravity : Story 1

From @gauravjagwani: 

Phil did not understand the gravity of his situations. He had the knack of shortening words which annoyed people. He would refer to people as peeps and so on. He fell sick that day. Wrapped in his blanket, he dialled 911. He passed away. The operator did not comprehend ‘I am Phil in the Blanks.’