Monday, October 8, 2012

The passion : Story 3

From @agentgreenglass: 

She stood in the trial room. The tag on the dress said extra small. She pulled out the box from her bag. Eight brownies stared back at her. Next morning, the shop girl found a dress smeared with dark chocolate lying in a heap. And she remembered the XXL girl who left empty handed.

The passion : Story 2

From @salonitia: 

"Come ! Hold my hand " she said .

They held hands and steadying their feet on the rope bridge ,tried crossing it .Eyeing the crocodile below them ,she pushed her friend in water.

Her eyes gleamed seeing the red colour ,full of passion ,bloody red !!

Now to get another scapegoat to fulfil her thirst for passion.

The passion - Story 1

From @maruwahna: 

“...Try writing an algorithm for this.“madam said .

I didn‘t know the specifics,but I knew I had the bent of mind. Worked my way through the jungle and understood C on my own.

Four years later .“ Why does that recursive function have an extra paranthesis?“, I ask ,confidently

Engineering 101